Monday, October 11, 2010

San Fran Afterthoughts

Some post-trip thoughts:

  • A friend noted that people in San Francisco don't like to wear deodorant (I noticed) and they can tell who is not local because they wear nice shoes and cologne when they go out.
  • I'm glad I didn't drive because 1) parking is either hard to find or really hard on really steep hills - I don't know how they don't slam into each other trying to parallel park and 2) driving over some of those crests is scurry!
  • Go in September or October when the weather is the nicest - Summer is cold
  • Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp!
  • iPhones really do suck royal elephant balls in San Francisco.  WHY?  At least the phone portion... data seemed OK (except Four Square)
  • I really miss Naia gelato

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