Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sleepless in Zurich but a good day anyway

From Europe 2009
Last night I went to sleep at a normal hour, but I ended up waking up fairly quickly (I think it was Jose snoring) and couldn’t get back to sleep until about 4:00 am. I went outside for a quick walk and sat outside on the steps for some fresh air, but there was a fox that kept appearing that I had to startle off a couple of times, so I went back inside. Eventually after that I fell asleep and slept until 11.

Jose and I went downtown and went to the Switzerland National Museum, but much of it was under reconstruction and there was a special exhibit that was devoted to Swiss jokes, of which we couldn’t understand most.

From Europe 2009
From Europe 2009
Then Jose went to get his hair cut and I sat with him and chatted (sort of) with him and the stylist. She could really only speak Italian, but I understood most of the conversation, but couldn’t even repeat what she had said. She was sweet and cute.

We wandered around for a little bit and took some photos before heading back to the apartment to get ready for the second performance of the opera. Right now I’m sitting in the dressing room and I am taking photos of his costumes.

Tomorrow we're getting up early early to take a train to Paris for one night so Jose can rehearse. He'll do that and I'll hang out with Florencia and maybe Jory and Florian too. Then the next morning we'll get up early again - Jose to go back to Zurich for another performance and I'll stay a while in Basel to poke around for the day.

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